Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Philippines -- Top 5 in Murders with Firearms

Philippines ranked #5 in the statistics of Murders with Firearms according to the Eighth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Centre for International Crime Prevention, 2002).

In my opinion, the Philippine government is ineffective because gun permit applicants can openly pay bribe money, through legitimate gun dealers, to grease the smooth release of permits without passing though proper compliance of regulatory controls of qualifying requirements. Over 1 Million firearms on the loose and unaccounted according to the Philippine National Police; and these loose firearms are used in 99% of crimes. There is also no FIREARM OWNERSHIP TITLING AND REGISTRATION SYSTEM in the Philippines -- the country only have licensure system for possession and carry.


SOURCE URL: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir-crime-murders-with-firearms

Rank Countries Amount
# 1 South Africa: 31,918
# 2 Colombia: 21,898
# 3 Thailand: 20,032
# 4 United States: 9,369
# 5 Philippines: 7,708
# 6 Mexico: 2,606
# 7 Slovakia: 2,356
# 8 El Salvador: 1,441
# 9 Zimbabwe: 598
# 10 Peru: 442
# 11 Germany: 269
# 12 Czech Republic: 181
# 13 Ukraine: 173
# 14 Canada: 144
# 15 Albania: 135
# 16 Costa Rica: 131
# 17 Azerbaijan: 120
# 18 Poland: 111
# 19 Uruguay: 109
# 20 Spain: 97
# 21 Portugal: 90
# 22 Croatia: 76
# 23 Switzerland: 68
# 24 Bulgaria: 63
# 25 Australia: 59
# 26 Sweden: 58
# 27 Bolivia: 52
# 28 Japan: 47
# 29 Slovenia: 39
= 30 Hungary: 38
= 30 Belarus: 38
# 32 Latvia: 28
# 33 Burma: 27
# 34 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: 26
# 35 Austria: 25
# 36 Estonia: 21
# 37 Moldova: 20
# 38 Lithuania: 16
= 39 United Kingdom: 14
= 39 Denmark: 14
# 41 Ireland: 12
# 42 New Zealand: 10
# 43 Chile: 9
# 44 Cyprus: 4
# 45 Morocco: 1
= 46 Iceland: 0
= 46 Luxembourg: 0
= 46 Oman: 0



According to Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Travel Advisory for Philippines, "Violent crime is a significant problem in the Philippines. Criminal gangs that drug and rob or assault unsuspecting tourists are active in Manila, including the Makati central business district, and in provincial resort towns.... Random acts of violence occur frequently in the Philippines. Recently, two separate grenade attacks, the result of domestic grievances, occurred in parts of Metro Manila frequented by foreigners.... As in many other big cities, street crime is of concern particularly in crowded shopping malls and other public places. Pickpocketing, bag snatching and a range of scams, including those involving credit cards and automated teller machines, are common.... Gun ownership is widespread and poorly regulated, contributing to a higher incidence of violent crime." Read more at


PILIPINAS KAY GANDA -- the new tourism slogan of the Aquino Administration, in replacement of WOW PHILIPPINES.

INTRAMUROS -- the walled city of Manila. A popular tourist destination.

AUGUST 2010 -- a bus hostage tragedy that ended the lives of eight tourists from Hongkong. The bus was taken over by the hostage-taker in Intramuros. The hostage-taker is one of the 3,000 policemen with pending grievance cases.

In Philippines, policemen without uniform and out-of-duty hours carry guns, they look the same with kidnappers, hold-uppers, robbers, and any other gun-aided criminals. Plus you have to add the private citizens who carry guns who also looks the same.

TRAVEL WARNING -- in November 2010, the US, UK, AUS, CAN, FRA, and NZ issued travel warnings to their citizens going to Philippines, which the Philippine Government contested.


Collection of blogs to eradicate Gun-Aided Crimes can be found at


I dedicate this blog to my FB friends who celebrate their birthdays today.
Abraham Alcober, Adrian Agrabio, Belle Alva Jelle, Chris Wee, Ernesto Julaton Rana Jr, Franco Luis Grecho Valmadrid, Gerry Albert Corpuz, Isabel Logroño, Joel Remollo, Lhuiza Relliquete, Princessy Pascua, Rommel Ligayo, Stella Mabao Liu, Vickee Quimbo