Friday, December 17, 2010

Corruption is a Filipino Culture

Corruption, once vastly tolerated, is already considered as part of the acceptable norm. If it is already persistent across generations and in a nationwide scale, it is already a culture. This Filipino Culture of Corruption, which is more devastating than Ningas Cogon or Manana Habit, is what I intend to eradicate by means of disculturization, which will primarily use EDUCATION that is purely focused on the disease.

In line with this, I think there should be an Annual Mandatory Video Seminar and Conforme-Signing on Anti-Corruption and Ethics for all Government employees, consultants, and contractors, and Students of all school levels.


I dedicate this blog to my FB friends who celebrate their birthdays today.

Adolf Aguilar, Amy Lynn Fabiaña, Angelo Petalcorin, Angie Calata, Christine Belle Bucton, Emi Bagtaso, Gemmar Abarico Balabala, Gemmar Abarico Balabala, Marie Louise Go, Mario Petalcorin, Mark Jhulhan, Precy Bristol, Tan James, Zex Petalcorin, Zexis Petalcorin